Day Pass
Valid for one session at the gym
click the button below to find out how to access the gym once you purchase a day pass.
*Day passes can also be purchased at the gym during staffed hours
*Valid one week from purchase and for one QR scan into the gym
Standard memberships
Single month membership that grants full access to the gym during opening hours with QR code access
Membership is valid for one month and is nonrecurring
minimum 2 months
Standard monthly membership that grants full access to the gym during opening hours with QR code access
*please note there is a 30 day written notice required to cancel
£33.16/month paid upfront (£199)
6 month membership that grants full access to the gym during opening hours with QR code access
*Membership will not automatically renew after 6 months
£29.91/month paid upfront (£359)
1 year membership that grants full access to the gym during opening hours with QR code access
*Membership will not automatically renew after 1 year
Student memberships
*All student memberships currently must be purchased at the gym during staffed hours
and require a valid and current student id from a university or college.
minimum 2 months
Standard monthly membership that grants full access to the gym during opening hours with QR code access
*please note there is a 30 day written notice required to cancel
£26.50/month paid upfront (£159)
6 months student membership that grants full access to the gym during opening hours with QR code access
£23.25/month paid upfront (£279)
1 year student summer membership that grants full access to the gym during opening hours with QR code access
Should you need to cancel your membership, click here